Note: All information taken from:
There are 12 Grand Challenges. The Grand Challenges for Social Work represent a dynamic social agenda, focused on improving individual and family well-being, strengthening the social fabric, and helping create a more just society.
This article says that, Social Workers are ultimately “change agents”, and the Grand Challenges, 1. communicate to the world what social workers do and, 2. bring an army of allies in to the profession who want to make a big impact on the world”.
With my focus of Gerontology, there are several intersections of Grand Challenges to consider, with an initial focus on:
-Advance long and productive lives
-Reversing Extreme Economic Inequality
- Ensure healthy development for all youth
- Close the health gap
- Stop family violence
- Advance long and productive lives
- Eradicate social isolation
- End homelessness
- Create social responses to a changing environments
- Harness technology for social good
- Promote smart decarceration
- Reduce extreme economic inequality
- Build financial capability for all
- Achieve equal opportunity and justice