Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Key Components

-Short-Term (8-10 sessions)

-Measurable (graphs), to show improvement/changes

-It’s all about inner thoughts.

-Main belief behind CBT – not about what happens to us in our life, but how we think about what has happened to us.  In other words, what we gave meaning to a prior event – I’m not worthy; he didn’t care about me; “beliefs”.

-Thought-tracking – have patient keep track of all “automatic thoughts”, so we can notice what are usually unnoticed thoughts.

-Underlying assumptions.  Find some downward arrow associative questions.  For example, “I’m not worth it”.  Ask what does that mean.  Keep asking.  Keep going down.  Create conscious logic/reason awareness towards resolving what the core belief is.

-Thought-stopping – Tell people to say “Stop”.  Some people may need to externally verbalize “Stop” in order to hear their own words.  DBT, Mindfulness is related.

-Catastrophizing.  Jump to conclusions.  Black/White thinking.


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