Lobby Days Team
Lobby Days (April 7-8, 2019) in Sacramento is held annually by NASW-CA. Great opportunity to understand how legislation is made, meet a bunch of interesting people and peers, and lobby elected officials on a couple bills. This year I’m going to be a Team Leader for AB35 (Jordan Cunningham), where I work with a groups of MSW candidates, assign jobs, and then usher them into the elected official’s office for a meeting.
This year there are two bills:
AB-163 Group homes: foster family agencies: unaccompanied undocumented minors
SB-568 Postsecondary Education: student housing: College-Focused Rapid Rehousing Program
These are posts for Lobby Days 2019
AB-163 (Detention Facilities – Undocumented Children)
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SB-568 (Post Secondary Education – Student Housing) research
This is a placeholder.
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